5 Elul 5784
Cantor Emeritus David Bentley
Temple Shalom Gold Coast
How might we find God?
Some find the Divine in nature’s displays, great and small –
when the night skies dance with auroras of blazing colour,
or in a sunrise,
or a tree,
or the whisper of a breeze bearing a delicate spring fragrance.
For some God is in the fond touch of someone we love, or in belonging to a close-knit community.
Some feel God when experiencing great art, or when learning of a just outcome to some legal case.
We might find God in sights as rare as seeing a shooting star, or in acts as familiar and routine as re-awakening each day.
We might seldom dwell on God’s presence; yet the ways in which we might find God are, like God, all around us and without end.
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